Good Dog Walker / Bad Dog Walker by Karyn and Joan


*** 8/13 ***

The boys were VERY happy to see me.

*** 8/15 ***

The boys told me they miss ya but hope you are having fun.

*** 8/18 ***

Enjoy the weekend. Creed did his usual double.


*** 8/14 ***

There was no note from Joan today.

Highlights from me are that Vida and Creed slept with me last night. I was sandwiched between them. It was funny and novel.

Vida pooped in the morning and the evening.

Creed has mastered the sit-down combo. Vida still doesn't really seem to get the point.

Vida tried to convince Creed to get matching tattoos, but after bickering over shark vs Japanese symbol for peace, they both decided to take a nap instead.

Creed was grooming Vida before dinner and it melted my heart.

Have fun in the sun!



*** 8/15 ***

We had a challenge this morning on our way back from our walk a grey chihuahua leaving the building was snarling at us. We were fine, a little startled but okay. But when coming up the walk, a man was leaving the building and Vida nipped at his tote. It was tough because he was already reigned in and at heel position due to the chihuahua. The neighbor forgave us.

I had a talk with Vida about using his words to express his feelings and he expressed to me that he is a dog.

He was still a little aggressive at breakfast.

Our evening walk was short, due to the rainstorm I assume. They made a triangulated bee-line for the basement entrance by the garbage cans in the back (go figure). They peed the barest of minimums and then ran back home. Dinner was pleasant, no snarling or sharking. They both tolerated all of my ukulele practicing today, which makes me think i'm getting better.

Now we're all ready to pass out. I (finally) got a Queens Public Library card, so I'll be curling up with some Willa Cather tonight courtesy of the Court Square branch. I will read aloud to the fellas if they aren't already asleep. (Creed just closed his eyes). This is a step-up for them because I usually subject them to an episode of Dawson's Creek before bed. No, that is not officially abuse.

There were no notes from Joan today. I'm not sure if I am supposed to write to her. I looked through the old notes and realized that you guys had conversations. So, I said "hi!"

I am having an extra long conversation with you myself.

Go! Be young and in love. We're all fine.



Image: Dog Day Afternoon by Kay Crain