Dad's Business and Uncle Nun by Andria Alefhi

I come from a large, let's say ethnic family.  My father's side 9; my mother's side 5.  I had more aunts and uncles than my friends had combined in total.  You wanna talk about cousins, forget it.  And second cousins, wouldn't even know them if they walked down the street.

All the men in the family have a wide stance on what constitutes income and who wants to know? Meet Uncle Nun.  I didn't know he had a first name, or that Nun wasn't a first name, till I saw it on his mass card when he passed away.  The man lived in a worn out wife beater, and I never saw him standing up.  He was retired since the day I was born.  A lot of my family went out on government disability when it was easier to claim.  Nun was a man of few words.  All I remember him saying in my whole life is "whattya want?" and "it ain't hot". Mostly he was watching the game, a game, on TV.  That's called being a bookie.  People run bets through you for all kinds of sports and you pay out a win or collect a loss. Cash.  It's a full-time job.  There are a lot of sporting events out there.

We went to Nun's to visit my Aunt Avita, not really to chat with Nun.  If we did, it was to buy something that fell off the truck.  No one ever taught the meaning of this directly to me, I think I just picked it up naturally, the way kids do.  Everyone we knew bought stuff that fell off the truck, even my mom, who was generally against gambling and alternative employment.  Schmucks paid full price.  He specialized in small items that were easily boosted and transported, rarely missed.  Batteries, razor blades, small appliances.  I never asked how the items were procured, I guess none of us cared.  Aunt Avita got her own business going for many years, in the late 80s, of trips to NY to buy up as many hot purses as she could stuff in large trash bags and haul on a greyhound bus back to our small town, far away, to re-sell.  That was a great gig.  All those women were hooked and she had no shortage of repeat customers who wanted to look like they shopped in NYC.

The secret to getting ahead in America is cash business.  No one had white collar work or college degrees, but everyone had a 1st generation American dose of entrepreneurialism.  In an earlier story I talk about my dad's poker games where we had steady income not dependent on his winnings, but a cut for just housing and feeding the players.  I mention booking there and in more detail here.  My dad never went in for that - too much drama, too illegal.  You had to have muscle in case someone didn't pay up, and you had to give up your life for the endless phone calls placing bets and keeping track of who won what.  But many of my uncles had this trade.  My dad had clean businesses.  The poker game was technically illegal, but like, parking ticket illegal.  My dad grew up in stores.  His dad had a small corner store.  His brothers had small corner stores.  My dad outdid everyone by combining ready-to-eat food with dry good products - what we now see all over NY as bodegas and delis, but which was nonexistent in his time.  My dad invented the submarine sandwich in our area.  It literally did not exist.  Not that he called it a sub.  He said to himself, 'hey, I sell bread, I sell lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and cold cut meat and cheese that I slice and sell by the pound anyway.  Why don't I use all these to make sandwiches and sell them for a huge profit?'  And it worked.  In another business, not at the same time, he owned a diner. He bought all the supplies, he got there at 5am, he cooked everything, it was a full menu for breakfast and lunch.  He hired 2 waitresses, then would call his sister or mother on super busy days to come help out.  I worked summers.  The nice thing about that place was he closed up by 3pm and on weekends and holidays, so he had time with his family.  The secret to all his businesses was that he was there - he owned, ran, managed.  When he got tired of it, he sold it and got something new.  He never had someone run a place for him, therefore he never could have more than one business.

I personally learned a lot in the two summers I worked there, part-time.  I learned about life, life lessons other kids might have learned going to summer camp or 4H or something.  My father was fast and it was impressive, he had 10 different egg orders going on the grill at the same time, just food everywhere. He always cleaned immediately.  I met lesbians for the first time, where they were labeled and it was explained to me.  I saw how a smile got you a nice tip. I also saw how men looked at me, at 13 and 14, when I would walk in through Uncle Nun's Uncle's bar to the diner.  I barely knew what it meant to be a woman.  I was a young girl turning dirty old man heads, but I didn't realize the sex in it.  I felt pride in coming to work and helping out.  Also though, some shady shit was going down that I didn't realize.  One of the waitresses, Angie, was especially sweet to me.  I remember her bringing me back a Mickey Mouse t-shirt, a sexy half shirt really, from Disneyworld.  One night, she asked my dad if she could take me out to dinner, just us.  Looking back, I wonder why he let me go.  My mom must have been crushed.  Because, my dad was having an affair with her.  Of course I didn't know that, I was just excited for the attention.  I had no idea my dad was sleeping with the waitress.  I think the money and power went to his head.  I didn't out about this until many years later, but this was the start of the great demise between my parents.  Also, someone was stealing cash from the register, which I also didn't know was the reason he quit and sold the diner.
This second diner was his last business.  After this came the poker games, and then finally ending in working for a company where he had to punch in and out with a time card.  This was hard on him.  Meanwhile, all these years, my mom was neutrally working for the bank, getting a paycheck and benefits and never begrudging not being her own boss.

Andria curates the fantastic literary magazine, We'll Never Have Paris

Image: In Memory of D. Pearl by Ricky Romain

Glow by Rachel Harrison

i explore my wishes slowly
a quiet life exposed to moments
where nothing good is lowly
the overturned is holy

my whistle rusts and still squeals
sandals and shoes are what i see
i'm looking down now at the ground
like birds look down from the sky
resolutely inbetween

i feel so heavy in my head
i refuse to gnaw the skin off my teeth
i can glow gently like this
in the swing of i guess magnets

Image: Untitled by Wallander's father

For Liz by Tony Gomez

trying to surmise the total area of my spaceless timeshare

not easy on earth with you undressed the way you are

time slinks down the sidewalk like a candle's wax

the wind moves the window closes

sometimes you're the town i got a postcard from

someone who was here but now no more

thinking that there was something to say

and despite the ways i bend my ear

postcards are so insincere

sometimes i sit here and go other places at the same time

other times i sit here and i sit here like chewed up gum

on the bottom of the desk i rest my elbows on

in the fraction of a half moment our weird good thing rests upon

to grow up big and wise is good

to know the tune of great songs, people great and dead

all the mothers and all of the fathers

no amount of spinach and water will clear my head

i yank the strings on your sweatshirt's hood

i trim the wick, i was the dishes

i feel like a cat tied to a kite

everything about you makes me uptight

Image: Fragment from

Two Lovers

by Vincent Van Gogh

Your Name Came Up While I Was Getting My Hair Cut at the Sandwich Shop by Colleen Few

turtle shaped balloon
ascends into the sky
it doesn't try

sky consumes
it's like those things
it's full of things you cannot see
the sky is just like me

i'm composed in-part of clouds
one of which resembles you
there is a turtle shaped balloon
with nothing smart to share
so tiny in your hair
i scratch my knee
describe you some to stan
i smell mustard on his hand

a turtle shaped balloon
by stan's suggestion
(stan cuts my hair
in a delicatessen)
may contain the answer
to a turtle shaped question

Image: Sandwiches

North of the Dakota by Robert Mickles

gross was an architect
with schwartz he shared a dream
massive cement apartment buildings
the color of impossibly dirty sponges
vertical in their sidewalk greyness
cubicled in door man squareness
a culture of disdain, a failure to reconcile
black berets and turtle necks
with a humorless lack of style
all this just north of the old dakota
 - the gross dream is foaming

jaw-bone wife slash actresses in ray bans sips
bitter starbucks wearing pony brand black thermal tights
sketchers shape-ups spandex opinions and
designer soaps
child-proof children
eat popsicles with jamaican nannies
dad loves to bitch we aren't rich
he builds up his autonomy
nursing fears for the economy
silently resenting the east-siders
so spineless and silver spooned
six digit salaries and still we pray for mercy
just north of the dakota in the shadow of new jersey

not making eye contact with the
rent controlled derilects from amsterdam
cursing metal carts through the streets
with hamburgers and flip phones
don't they know?
take that noise to harlem
we have nine dollar almond butter north of the dakota
and the cops are glad to fill their quota

we have lawyers who read comic books
sage fabrics and holistic vets
we're concerned about gay rights
pour out a little pinot noir in honor of the war vets
razor scooter and organic yams
read the times, recycle
do not relax, your nerves are vindicated
and your life is framed in gray but framed
like a firetruck's siren framed
teach your daughter not to mind
you get results when you're unkind

grow the little boy's hair real long
give it a guitar
buy a beatles t-shirt
and if he's handsome a bandana
'john lennon, man. been dead a while
to him we raise our diet soda
yoko never smiles looking down from the dakota:

"that mcdonalds was a tasty d-lite
we used to eat ice cream late at night
and this chase bank was a cd player
they used to play the rufus wainwright
it was the year 1880 when the dakota took its perch
overlooking rocks and weeds and dirt
whole lot of nothing, can you imagine?"

Photograph by Irina Kuzmena

Stone-sitting & Head-landing by Dirk Schmidt

A stone KNOWS where the ground is. Go ahead, take a look, tell me if you observe a stone just hanging about, mid-air, totally confused about where to find the ground. I submit, it simply doesn't happen. Take a stone, and drop it: It will find the ground, absolutely. I know. I've tried it. Even in outer-space, in the midst of vacuum and void, across fathomless stretches of emptiness, a stone will always be right in the middle of being pulled SOMEwhere, in SOME direction, by the gravity of SOMEthing-or-other.

Just HOW, exactly, is this information transmitted? There's some strange form of communication, seemingly, between the ground and the stone, of what we'd call mass and velocity, although I doubt either the stone or the ground think of it in those terms... And upon even further investigation, you'll notice this: There is no distinction for the stone between knowledge and action. They are one-and-the-same process. Why, the very instant the stone knows where the ground is, it gets a-move-on, pulled head-long into action by the gravity of the situation. In actuality, its actions are perfectly co-ordinated with whatever it senses, whatever it knows, and when it's meant to fall, it falls. Is it aware of this?

My mind has this abstract notion: For all its complexity, for all its mangled mesh of nerves and flesh, it is simply a stone. The gravity of millions upon millions of years of evolution compels it to eat, to sleep, to mate, and so on. It makes up names, complexities, abstractions, all in order to hide this simple truth from itself. It tricks itself into thinking, oh, I simply must be more than a stone, falling in a vortex, imprisoned by the whims of a gravitational field I don't fully understand...

I once read that you may place an amoeba in a petri dish. Everything is swell in that little petri dish, and the amoeba is just hanging out, feeling right at home; that is, until you place a drop or two of acid on one side of the dish. This single-celled organism, somehow sensing this unsatisfactory turn of events, gets the hell out of dodge, and high-tails it over the the NON-toxic side of the dish. Again, it is also demonstrating a perfect co-ordination between sensation, knowledge, and action.

Now, the difference between amoebas and humans is only some exponentially ridiculous number of cells, a great many of which are specially organized into a neural network with more connections amongst themselves than there are atoms in the universe, or stars in the sky (or so we're told...). I'd say, you'd be surprised at how small a difference that really makes. Our brains don't just simply DROP with the gravity of a situation. And so, never expecting that inevitable drop, when we DO get dropped, we're caught totally unawares.

A cat, though, has life figured out in this regard, and is always expecting a fall. If you drop it, it will land on its feet. It's true. I've tried it. I wonder how many years of evolution it took before the ones who were landing on their heads got bred out of the gene pool? Whatever the number, it probably took nine times longer than it should have... Yet here we are, humanity, the most evolved species on the planet (or so we're told...), and what are we up to? Head-landing. We LOVE landing on our heads. We simply ADORE it. We're silly with it, giddy with it, really. We'll land on our heads all day long, and then get up the next morning for another round.

But there it is, the silver lining: maybe one day we will learn to land on our feet. Even if it takes us nine times as long as a cat, which is eighty-one times longer than a stone. You see, the stone ALREADY sees no difference between knowledge and action, and also sees no difference between its head and its feet. It's all the same to a stone. It doesn't possess the fault of head-having, or make the mistake of being too brainy for its own good. It doesn't separate sense from knowledge. The only stone-sense is non-sense.

Yes, non-sense is nonsense, and it's actually the only one of your senses that you can fully trust. I say again: What's the good in making sense? The STONE doesn't make any sense. It just knows-and-acts-and-becomes, all in one fell swoop. There's all this sense-making around, and it's all a big bundle of head-landing. If you don't believe me, drop a sense-maker from some height, and just see how they land. Oh, I suppose they'll land on their feet once in a while, accidental-like. Drop them again, just to be thorough. Get a nice, large sample-size of dropped sense-makers, and then do the math. Don't be shy. Play with the variables. Drop them from roof-tops, cliff-sides, and mountain-tops. Give them various degrees of spin, at various velocities. Shoot them from cannons. Whatever it takes to fully convince yourself that the sense of sense-making makes no sense.

Yet there our brains go, all our little neurons firing to-and-fro like busy little bees, churning the chaos and non-sense of this blossoming-and-blooming world process into digestible-and-delicious honey-coated saccharine-sweetness, building up hexagonal-hives of inter-connected-conceptual-construction: A more ordered-and-patterned reality, for sure, but just as certainly LESS real than whatever the REAL “real” really is. It's really twisted, if you think about it. And then we go and on about it, and act on it, as if we know what-the-hell is going on. Head-landing. That's the thesis right there.

The problem is, we're always caught up in thinking, but we're not thinking about the thinking. What's more, we never stop to think that non-thinking, every now-and-again, might actually be a kind of thinking, a stone-sitting-sort of thinking, a primordial link to a knowledge-action-potential that is a unified process of knowing-and-becoming. The stones and the amoebas and the cats are really too modest to say so, but I can see it sometimes, if I happen to glance over at them, and catch them gazing at me... Have you seen it? The half-curious, utterly-disbelieving momentary stare that would be called smug, if it weren't so damn non-judgmental and utterly free of pretension. That right there is the non-confused, complete contentment of a stone-sitter...

Photograph by Roy Hamric

Where and When to Pull Your Pants Down in New York by Eric Nelson

I was sitting in the kitchen of a one bedroom apartment across from Tompkins Square Park on a Thursday evening, drinking Tecate and listening to an artist twice my age who I both admired and respected. We spoke about the popularity of prescription drug abuse amongst my generation and the tradition of writers who took speed to be productive. His girlfriend, a video artist based out of New York, exchanged smiles with the both of us, happy that her boyfriend was from Los Angeles. I was the kid in the candy store hanging out with someone twice my age who had designed iconic punk rock record covers with no formal art training, only to wind up in the Met and the Whitney. It was gonna be a good night.

A cab ride across the Williamsburg Bridge into Greenpoint later, we were soon inside a club, amidst band members who called his name and yelled "Yo, we gon get fucked up tonight, right??" I was offered an Adderall, which I declined, my buzz having been up-graded to a shitface, and an eight-hour workday lurking in the near distance.

It was at that point that someone said, "Hey, friends of friends who just got out of art school are here. They're putting together a porno magazine and are taking pictures. Would you like to be in it?"

The word “No” didn’t exist. Of course, my feet wouldn't move to the back porch until a woman finally grabbed me by the arm and guided me to a group of girls giggling to each other. One of them looked off in a way I couldn't quite put my finger on, but I shrugged it off.

Soon, I was signing a release form. One woman with a camera explained to me that they were simply taking 'cock shots" and that we would remain anonymous. After finally photographing my drivers license, I unbuttoned my jeans fly and flipped it out, half excited in my stupor for the attention. A few quick shots amidst a crowd and I was back inside, a shit-eating grin on my face.

"So, did they at least give you a fluffer?" my buddy asked.

It was pushing midnight. I turned around to find a RuPaul lookalike with a wig and a protruding Adams Apple leering at me, who I had recognized from outside. She immediately began hitting on me. Of course, her second question was:

"So, are you bi?"

Of course it was then that I realized the situation.

"Nope! Sorry! But your friend over there was pretty cute!"

The 'friend' was one of the women hanging out with the photographer. We eyed each other, and I decided to say hi.

Of course, by this time, that would prove to be impossible, as I could no longer hold a steady conversation with anyone. Wandering about, I passed her again, only to clam up. In the dressing room of the bands, I said goodbye to my friend and his girlfriend, only to walk home to the Bedford L train to head back to Queens, stopping to spend $30 on food that would go uneaten on my bed until the next day.

The next morning, I smiled as the elevated train rolled over the bridge in Manhattan, somehow able to recount the entire night's sequence of events. I emailed the tranny in hopes of meeting the mystery woman .

"Hey, let me know when you and your friends are hanging out again?"

But to no avail.

Some time later, I recounted the story to an audience during a reading at Pete's Candy Store, relating it to an incident at NYU Trinity Medical Center, where I also dropped my drawers. For a rectal exam.

With my usual charm of a homeless man, I cracked wise to the doctor.

“Just to warn you, I’ve never had a Brazilian wax. Sorry.”

To which she replied, “I’ve seen ‘em all.”

The joke was on me though when she shushed me after I screamed. It was still painful to sit on the subway nearly an hour after I left her office.

The promoter of the event later told me, "That's an actual magazine you know. Those girls are crazy." To my surprise.

Another six months passed before I was invited to a group brunch by a friend in Bushwick. We went to a new cafe, and I was introduced to everyone, including a woman who looked incredibly familiar. We talked and laughed for hours.

Upon leaving, she made a joke "Ha, that could go in my magazine!"

I paused.

"Wait, you do a magazine? Like what?"

I already knew where this was heading.

"I do a porn magazine for women."

"Holy shit! You took pictures of my dick! At a show in Greenpoint last year!"

She laughed and my jaw dropped to the ground, when she said,

"I remember! Guess what?! You're in the next issue we're working on!"

Image: Rolling Stone's Sticky Fingers album cover

Life Proceeds by Shawn McCloskey

Clear liquid in bottles
Five or six on a metal cart
My hands reach to one
But are strapped to arm rests.
If I could move the patients chair
I would use my teeth.

Terminals hum electric
Inside a sound proof center of science.
Surrounding a specimen,
Unseen figures operate behind tinted windows
Loose wires tickle my cheek.

Before exposed to white light
The person driving was texting the moon-
Flipping through contacts,
Flipping car over the railing,
-Floating past the moon,
A magnetic hand pulled me onwards like a dust-buster.

Angels dressed like metal projectors
Cat scans of my head
X rays cause hair loss
Cleanse the shell of toxins
Align repaired organs according to manual
Exchange lungs for gills
Substitute fins for feet
Reduce brain size to egg
Remove tube from ear canal.

Sliding out of the seat
And landing on the floor with a thud
My rubber flesh flops like a fish on a boat’s deck
Until two able arms calm my nervous tail
And my savior throws me out of his spaceship.

As I fall from grace
Stars whiz by like the shrimps I eat
Upon entering the ocean’s black.